Monday, May 3, 2021

Still Quilting and Cross Stitching Again!

 It has been quite some time since I did a post on my blog but I decided to try it again and see how it went. I have continued to quilt but I retired from being a long arm quilter a couple of years ago.

In the meantime, in 2018, I took up cross stitch again and absolutely love doing that, too. I admit I must enjoy the process more than having it on the walls because I haven't had much framed but I think the pandemic played into that since that was just another place to go and we have stayed home a lot.

Here is a quilt top I just finished. It is made from leftover dotted fabrics, mostly Kaffes and a few more thrown in to go with the other squares from older projects. Wanda Hanson from Exuberant Color has a great tutorial on how to sew these 16 patch blocks/quilts where all of the seams nest and it goes together so nicely! Made it a joy to stitch together! Thank you, Wanda! 

And here is a close up! 


Cathy said...

Welcome back. I love your quilt top. Hugs

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You have some really old out of print Kaffe fabrics in that quilt.