Another problem may be that I pulled this UFO out of my project box and realized it was begun in 1998. I didn't even live in this city then and I've been here almost 11 years. A friend and I taught the technique to our guild but I never finished my quilt. So here it sat, half the blocks made and lots of HSTs still to be cut with a bias square ruler and sewn together. I was determined not to let these pretty fabrics go to waste so continued on. It's a small throw size or baby quilt and will go to a charity project.
I pieced the back with 3 different fabrics and will hopefully get it quilted later this week but I just wanted to share for the hours I spent working on it. I learned that you really DON'T have to finish every project you ever began. 12 years later it was not fun and I just wanted to finish it. I'm glad I did but I will be thinking more carefully about which projects I spend my time on now, especially UFOs.
Years ago a friend, Ille, cleaned out her fabric/quilting/magazine stash and was able to clean out a lot of unused fabrics and items. I could not imagine doing that at the time but I realized later that I could. It was actually freeing when I donated yards and yards of fabric and even partially made quilt tops that I knew I would never make. I did end up making a quilt with 23 UFO blocks and class samples that became a really fun quilt - I'll have to take a photo and share it soon, too. That was before I had a digital camera. I have enough other blocks to do that again and was more exciting than adding to each existing project.
Wow Judy, Your Lollypop Trees quilt is simply wonderful. Can't wait to see how you quilt it. Good to see you finishing some of your quilts.
Wow, Judith!!! This quilt is exquisite!!! I can't wait to see it quilted!!! You do beautiful work!!!
Judy, that looks awesome. I didn't know you had finished it! yeah!! Check!!
love the Lollypop trees quilt... I have the pattern and as soon as I finish Flower Pots I am going to make it and then I want to do Flower Basket and then i am wondering what Flower Garden is going to be like... too many patterns... too little time
Wow, I realy love those colours. So bright. Such patience you have. Respect! Kind Regards from Holland Merel
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