My dear, precious mother passed from this life to her heavenly home on Monday afternoon, November 9, 2009. She was 87 years young. She had her third large stroke on August 25. She suffered for 11 weeks with pain, anxiety and many other stroke related problems. We were advised by her neurologist to take her to a hospice facility. My sister, Sylvia, found Peachtree Christian Hospice and we took her to this most beautiful, peaceful facility. She was surrounded by her family and beautiful harp music playing at her bedside that sounded as though it was coming directly from heaven. She was only there for three days, but was no longer suffering and her husband of 63 years and children were all by her bedside as she passed from this life to be with Jesus. We miss her tremendously but are thankful she is no longer in pain anymore.

My mother was one of the most optimistic people I have ever known. She always had such a beautiful attitude and a smile on her face, as you can see above. This picture taken at Christmas 2008, was typical of her. She was cheerful, always smiling, and the greatest encourager ever to her family and anyone else that came in contact with her. She could always see the bright side in any situation and would help you to see it also.

My mother had the gift of cooking and had helped for years with church cookbooks but in her later years she wanted us to do a family cookbook. We spent months going through recipes with her and compiling hundreds of them for "Supper at 6". We also added many family stories to personalize the cookbook. We surprised her by putting her picture on the cover. My sister, Patsi, found this photo as she was going through some slides. It was taken in the 1960s at a family Christmas gathering at our house. My mother would never have done that herself as she was a 'behind the scenes' person but she loved it and was so thrilled. It was always exciting to her when we would receive calls or notes from people who had enjoyed reading or receiving the cookbook.
I could literally write a book telling more about my mother but I will close for now. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and will be making her famous dressing in the morning for one more family gathering.
I have been truly overwhelmed in the last two weeks by all the kind expressions of sympathy we have received. I thank you for every card, prayer, call, email, flowers sent, attending the funeral service, care and concern. It has been such a blessing knowing so many people cared to take the time to reach out to us during this difficult situation. A special thank you to all and may God bless you richly! And, we love you, Mother!!!